Keep Your House Cool Without Air Conditioning

Knowing how to handle extreme heat in environments without air conditioning can save your life. As temperatures continue to rise having this information might mean the difference between life and death.

(Evening) As soon as the outside is the same temperature or cooler than inside, open as many doors and windows as possible. Try to increase air flow from outside to inside as much as possible. Cross breeze is best but not always achievable. If you have a garage, be sure to open the garage door at night where possible. Generally the garage is the warmest room of a house, especially if you have air conditioning.

(Morning) Close every door and window as soon as possible after sunrise. Try block out as much natural light as you can. Cardboard works great for blocking light and providing insulation. Consider more permanent solutions like heat-blocking window tints or blackout curtains if it’s within your budget.

Evaporative/swamp coolers are effective up to a surprisingly high ambient humidity, but if the water stops evaporating they can be worse than nothing at all. In fact here’s a simple evaporative cooler that uses stuff most people already have. There are many other more effective methods but they get progressively more complicated to set up.

Keep Yourself Cool Without Air Conditioning

Ice is your friend! Start with wet towels in the freezer, water bottles, food storage containers, even zipper bags. DO NOT put too much non-frozen stuff in your freezer at once. With this in mind try adding 3 liters every hour for a larger sized freezer (approx. 20 cu ft.). Overloading a freezer may result in nothing freezing, and everything thawing.

Rice bags are very clever ways to keep cool also. Simply fill any size cloth bag with rice and place in the freezer. Rice holds the temperature very well, and because there’s no liquid you won’t have to worry about condensation when it warms.

Spray bottles make great misters. Mist is great in low humidity, but counterproductive if it’s not drying. You can even try misting the house itself. Mist on a roof or wall is great for cooling a structure that is not well insulated as long as the water is still evaporating.

Try to minimize your movement during the hottest hours. Consider waiting until it has cooled off to use major appliances like dishwashers, washers, and dryers.

Hammocks are amazing. Anything that can allow air to pass beneath you is better than something solid or insulated. Flat surfaces are better than cushioned surfaces. The floor is probably the coolest place in the house, especially if it is tile or hardwood. As your pet may have discovered, the bathtub is also a great spot to cool off, even when it’s empty.

Protect Your Body from the Heat and Sun

Start by wearing lightweight, light colored, completely covering and baggy clothing in the sun. If you have a wide brimmed hat, use it. Even if you will only be out in sun a short time. If you will be exposed to breeze in shade, baggy clothing will hold sweat but allow it to evaporate and can actually be cooler than no clothing.

Drink plenty of water, but make sure you are also drinking electrolytes. Refrigerated or iced water is best for cooling. BE CERTAIN TO DRINK ELECTROLYTES WHILE CONSUMING LARGE QUANTITIES OF WATER! Drinking too much water without electrolytes can lead to Hyponatremia which can result in nausea, headache, seizures or even coma.

Try adding a couple slices of cucumber into a bottle of water and let it sit in the fridge overnight. You can also try a touch of salt and or a squeeze of lime. Pickle juice is a great electrolyte source as well. If you find yourself light-headed or with a headache, you might need more intense hydration. Pedialyte and Gatorade make packet versions that can be added to regular water. Both of these are generally SNAP eligible. You can make your own formula quickly and easily if you don’t want to purchase anything extra.

Easy electrolyte formula

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1/8 tsp epsom salt (as often as needed)
  • 1/8 tsp non-iodized salt (as often as needed)
  • 1/4 tsp potassium chloride/salt substitute/no-salt (daily maximum)
  • *If using this recipe more than once in a day, use potassium chloride only in the first dose.

Be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Have a plan to treat and find help for yourself and anyone who might be vulnerable near you. A cool bath can rapidly reduce body temperature in the event of an emergency.

Make sure to check on friends, family, and vulnerable neighbors regularly. Confusion is a common symptom of heat exposure and may lead to poor decision making.

Stay safe out there. Please anyone with other helpful tips comment them here. Something small might make all the difference.

Beat the Heat